large intestine:
With a diameter or contour of between 7 and 10 centimeters, the large intestine is indeed thicker than the thin, and it is almost the last stop making food in the digestive tract. Like the small intestine is retreated about himself on the inside of your body, and, if it spreads completely, would measure about 1.5 meters long. The large intestine is a tube with a closed end that stands out and that is called the appendix. Although the appendix is part of the digestive tract, does not appear to play any role, but it can give problems because sometimes becomes infected and must be removed (ie, drawn by an operation).
As we have said, once it has removed most of the nutrients from the liquid mixture of food, is what is known as waste products, the material that I could not use your body and you have to be expelled to the outside. Can you guess where it ends? Well, here's a hint: to lose sight of, you have to pull the string.
Before being expelled, waste products pass through the portion of the large intestine called the colon, which is where the body is the last chance to absorb water and some minerals, discharges into the bloodstream. As the waste products are losing water, are tightening while moving the large intestine into a solid. Yes, it is the cacas (more finely called stool, stools or bowel movements).
The large intestine is pushing the stool until he arriving in the rectum, the last portion of the digestive tract. The products in solid waste remain here until you have wanted to go to the bathroom. When you go to the bathroom, you emerge from these expelling waste products through the anus. And now is when the chain comes into action!
Check a hand to your digestive system
You can help your digestive system by drinking water and taking a healthy diet containing foods rich in fiber. The fiber-rich foods such as fruit, vegetables and whole grains, helping to move stool through the digestive tract. The digestive system is a very important part of your body.
large intestine and functions
liver and functioncs
The next stop for nutrients is the liver! And the waste products - the leftovers of the foods that your body can not use - will continue moving towards the large intestine.
Loves your liver
The blood is rich in nutrients directly to the liver, where it is processed. The liver is responsible for filtering harmful substances or waste products, transforming some of these wastes more bile. The liver helps to determine what amount of nutrients will be distributed to the rest of the body, and how much will be saved as a reserve. For example, the liver stores certain vitamins and a type of sugar that the body uses for energy.
small intestine - another organ of digestion system
More than 6 meters of small intestine
The small intestine is a long tube with a diameter or contour between 3.5 and 5 centimeters, which retreated on himself inside yourself, below the stomach. If you extend your computer's small intestine, measured about 6.7 meters long - as 22 notebooks lined one after another!
The small intestine plays an important role in breaking down the mix of food from the stomach even more, so your body can absorb all the nutrients it contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The roast chicken contains many proteins - and a little fat - and the small intestine will help you absorb them, as long as their friends - the pancreas, liver and gall bladder - you throw a hand.
The bodies just mentioned various juices to send the first portion of the small intestine. These juices help to digest food and allow the body to absorb the nutrients they contain. The pancreas produces some juices that help the body to digest fats and proteins. Which secretes a juice called bile, the liver helps to absorb fats in the bloodstream. And the gallbladder is like a store bile, which stores this juice to your body when you need it.
The foods you eat can stay for up to 4 hours in your small intestine until it becomes a liquid mixture and watery. It is a time well spent, because at the end of the trip, nutrients from the pizza, chicken, oranges and milk may move from the intestine into the blood. Once in the blood, your body will be much closer to harness the complex carbohydrates in the body of the pizza, the vitamin C of oranges, chicken protein and calcium from milk.
stomach and digestion occurs
Once the food enters the esophagus, it does not go directly into the stomach. Instead, the muscles in the walls of the esophagus moves describing a crushing wave movement to get the food while they do fall down the esophagus. This takes about 2 or 3 seconds.
The stomach is tied to the lower end of the esophagus. This is a "bag" elastic that is shaped like the letter "j". Important plays three roles:
Store the food you eat
Decomposed food in a liquid mixture
Slowly emptying the liquid to the small intestine
The stomach acts as a mixer, stirring and breaking balls all the food from the esophagus into ever smaller fragments. This was done with the help of the strong muscles you have in your walls and gastric juices they secrete. Apart from fragmenting and break down food, gastric juices also help to destroy germs and bacteria that may contain the food they eat.
esophagus tube
The esophagus is an elastic tube, which measures about 25 centimeters long. Leads the food from the back of the throat to the stomach. But in the back of the throat is also the trachea, which allows air to enter and exit your body. When you swallow a ball of food and crushed or softened some liquid, a barb of a special fabric called epiglottis closes the opening in the trachea to ensure that the food enters the esophagus, rather than the trachea.
If you've ever drunk a little too fast, you've started coughing and someone said that the drink "you'll be gone by the other side", which meant that person is the liquid you had come into the trachea by mistake . This happens when the epiglottis does not give you time to close, and you'll be coughing involuntarily (without thinking about it) to clear the trachea.
The digestion begins in the mouth
The digestion begins in the mouth
Before that first mouthful of food at a palatable when you smell, what you see or think about him, starts digestion. You are starting to form saliva in the mouth. When you eat, saliva begins the process of decomposition of the chemicals they contain food and aid to soften to make it easier to swallow. The language helps push food through your mouth while you chew with the teeth. When you're ready to swallow, the tongue pushes a piece of food and crushed softened, called a food bolus, toward the back of the throat, to enter through the opening of the esophagus, the second part of the digestive tract.
your digestive system
Your digestive system began working even before they drive the tooth to the pizza. And will continue to busy digesting your food freshly chewed over the next few hours - or sometimes days, depending on what you've eaten. This process, called digestion, allows your body get the nutrients and energy it needs from your diet. Now let's find out what's happening with your pizza, your chicken, your orange and your milk.
eating and mouth
As you sit at mealtime, enjoy your pizza, grilled chicken to you and your orange. After devouring all these delicacies, the auction fatigues with a glass of milk, you clean your mouth and you go to the next class. Within a few minutes thinking about your city or your favorite work of science. You've completely forgotten what you just eat. But you'll still in the stomach - a kind of scientific experiment that happens constantly.