Major Digestive Enzyme

Salivary enzyme: Begins carbohydrates digestion by breaking down
starch and glycogen to disaccharides

Gastric enzymes: Pepsin , from Gastric glands – Begins protein
digestion . Lipase, from Gastric glands – Begins fat digestion .

 Pancreatic enzymes: Amylase , from pancreas – breaks down starch
and glycogen into disaccharides. Lipase, from pancreas – breaks down
fats into fatty acids and glycerol .

 Proteolytic enzymes : Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, and Carboxypeptidase from pancreas
breaks down peptides into amino acids . Nucleases, from pancreasbreaks
down nucleic acids into nucleotides.

Intestinal Enzymes: Peptidase, from mucosal cells, breaks down
peptides into amino acids. Sucrase, maltase, and lactase , from
mucosal cells, breaks down disaccharides into monosaccharides.
Lipase, from mucosal cells, breaks down fats into fatty acid and
glycerol. Enterokinase , from mucosal cells, (breaks down) converts
trypsinogen into trypsin

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